Protecting Your Senior Loved One from Scams

According to the FTC, 76% of the people who reported being the victim of a scam between January and August of last year were over the age of 50, and 56% of them were over the age of 60. While everyone is at risk of being the victim of fraud, seniors are often directly targeted. … Read More

Choosing an Adult Day Services Center

Adult day centers provide a wonderful service to both seniors and their caregivers, but choosing the right one for your needs and lifestyle can be a challenge. With so many factors to consider and so many options available, selecting an adult day services program in Southern Maryland requires some research. Keep reading to learn how to … Read More

Managing Sundowners Syndrome

If you’re like most people, you greet the evening hours with a sigh of relief. The hard work of the day is over, and it’s time to relax. For millions of people suffering from dementia, however, the later hours of the day bring on agitation and confusion. This phenomenon is called “sundowning,” and it most … Read More

Opening Minds Through Art: Pilot Program

Providing Residents with Opportunities for Creative Self-Expression Carefully designed art-making activities can be an antidote for declining confidence and self-esteem, especially for those suffering the tragic effects of dementia and other forms of irreversible cognitive impairment. With the help of Carol Dana, Creative Engagement Specialist with Arts for Well-Being, Sagepoint Senior Living Services was able to … Read More

Fun in the Sun: 5 Tips for Avoiding Heat-Related Illness in Seniors

Summer is in full swing, and as you’re enjoying the beautiful weather, it’s important to remember to practice safety. Seniors are especially vulnerable to the heat; factors such as a decreased ability to notice changes in body temperature, medications that contribute to dehydration and underlying health conditions can all make a day in the sun … Read More