Sagepoint To Participate in Pilot Dementia Training

Sagepoint Senior Living Services is pleased to announce that, as a sign of our commitment to providing excellent, person-centered care for persons living with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia, our staff are participating in CARES® Dementia Training and will earn Alzheimer’s Association essentiALZ and essentiALZ Plus Certifications. We will be posting our progress … Read More

You’re Not Just ‘Growing Old’ If This Happens To You

By Judith Graham, Kaiser Health News When Dr. Christopher Callahan examines older patients, he often hears a similar refrain. “I’m tired, doctor. It’s hard to get up and about. I’ve been feeling kind of down, but I know I’m getting old and I just have to live with it.” This fatalistic stance relies on widely-held but … Read More

When an Elderly Loved One Needs Extra Help

Family members of aging adults typically travel one of two paths to becoming a caregiver: the sudden sprint, or the gradual march. The sudden sprint towards providing care for a loved one is often set off by an unexpected event—a stroke, a fall, complications from surgery—which acts as a catalyst, escalating your family member’s care … Read More

Order Your 2017 Memory Care Calendar

Carefully designed art-making activities can be an antidote for declining confidence and self-esteem, especially for those suffering the tragic effects of dementia and other forms of irreversible cognitive impairment. With the help of Carol Dana, Creative Engagement Specialist with Arts for Well-Being, Sagepoint Senior Living Services was able to offer enticing activities designed to tap … Read More

Nov 28: Home Care Job Fair