Sagepoint Honored By Local and National Publications

  When you put your heart and soul into the work you do every day, it feels good when others take notice. We’re thrilled to share that the team at Sagepoint Senior Living recently received three prestigious honors for the work that we do and the caring environment that we provide for seniors in our … Read More

Dementia Demonstration for Leadership Southern Maryland

Members of the 2020 class of Leadership Southern Maryland recently participated in a dementia demonstration presented by the team at Sagepoint Senior Living. LSM’s Executive Leadership Program is a nine-week course aimed at developing a diverse network of community leaders in Southern Maryland. “The dementia demonstration was part of the program’s Healthcare Day,” said Sagepoint … Read More

Board Spotlight: Dana Levy Brings Experience and Expertise

  It takes the efforts and support of an entire community to empower Sagepoint Senior Living to provide the level of care that our patients and their families deserve. Our success can be attributed in no small part to our volunteer Board of Directors, made up of talented, compassionate and generous leaders throughout Southern Maryland. … Read More

Memory Care Makes a Difference

  It’s the most frustrating thing in the world when suddenly everything from the most impactful moments of your life to cherished memories with loved ones seems to disappear overnight. Nothing is sacred when it comes to memory loss, a devastating reality that many will struggle to come to terms with. When dealing with dementia, … Read More

Meet the People Whose Lives Are Made Better By Your Generosity

  We know that there are many worthy causes out there.   We also know that you can’t give to support them all.   But we would be honored and grateful if you would consider a tax-deductible, year-end gift to support Sagepoint.   Watch the videos below to hear from our patients and their families. … Read More