Mae’s Happiness, Linda’s Peace of Mind

Mae’s Happiness, Linda’s Peace of Mind

It had been five years since Linda Simon’s father had passed away. And in that time, not a day went by that she or one of her two siblings didn’t spend the night with her mother, Mae, in the house her parents had shared for so many years. 

“My parents were married for 70 years, so Dad was all she knew,” said Linda. “Once he was gone, she just didn’t like being in the house all alone, so we stayed with her.”

Soon, Linda and her siblings started noticing that Mae wasn’t making the best choices when left alone and grew increasingly concerned about her safety, physical well-being and mental health. 

“It was clear she needed more help, and after five years, we just couldn’t do it anymore. We told her, ‘Mom, you need to have someone with you.’” 

Linda and her sister began looking for assisted living options in the area. After each one visited Sagepoint, they both agreed that it was the place for Mae. 

“I went over and met with the folks at Sagepoint, and I liked them. My sister went over too and she liked them. So we took Mom over to meet with them, and it was hard for her because she had lived in that house for so long.” 

But Mae knew she needed assistance, so she agreed to move in. Her initial reluctance soon lifted, and she began enjoying herself. She loved the staff instantly and quickly made friends with a number of other residents. 

“Mom had always had a garden at home, and she loves flowers. So when she moved in, she told everyone, ‘We need to have flowers around here.’ So they worked with her, had flower boxes built and they even gave her and my sister money to go buy the flowers, and she took care of all of them for a long time.”

Linda and her siblings were also grateful for the social aspect of the community. 

“She plays games, which she never did, and she goes to game nights, and she’s become the star bingo player and has a big tin of candy bars in her room that are her winnings. A new resident moved in who could play the piano, and a group of them would get together to sing songs to the piano music.”

While Sagepoint’s staff knows how to take care of her social needs, they are always attentive to Mae’s well-being.

“Everyone is so good to her, and they all love her so much,” said Linda. “One of the staff members mentioned that Mom gets anxious when she’s in her room by herself, so she goes and sits with her. And she was going through this stage where she had a hard time eating, and the staff sat with her and they helped feed her.”

“And I see them give the same care to other residents too. They’re just very attentive people.”

While it was initially a difficult decision to move Mae from her home, Linda knows that choosing Sagepoint was the best choice she could’ve made for her Mom.

“I can’t express how good they are to her. I’ve recommended Sagepoint to many people. They keep the place clean. They wash their clothes. The food is always excellent. They care about the residents who are there and consider them part of their family.”